Tax bills are mailed out twice each year, typically in January and June. Generally, the 1st half taxes are due on the second Friday in February and the 2nd half taxes are due on the second Friday in July.
The due date for payment of real estate taxes is established by the Treasurer, but is dependent upon when the Auditor provides the actual computer file of correctly calculated tax amounts. Generally, the 1st half taxes are due on the second Friday in February and the 2nd half taxes are due on the second Friday in July.
You can determine the amount of your taxes by visiting the Pay Taxes portion of the Auditor’s Website and searching for your property.
Allen County Treasurer
NOTE: You do not have to be a customer of these institutions to drop-off your payment with them. They serve as an extension of the Allen County Treasurer’s Office and provide this service Free of Charge to all Allen County Taxpayers! It is their way of giving back to our community! These institutions only collect payments from mid January to the February deadline; and from mid June to the July deadline. They do not take payments year round.
YES, for your Real Estate taxes we have several ways to do this:
YES. You can enroll in the TEPP (In-House Escrow) Program – this is where we send you monthly coupons that can be paid at your convenience. Your annual taxes are spread over 10 months. You will receive four coupons each half year and then the balance remaining on your half taxes will be on your actual tax bill (half taxes broken into five payments). To sign up for this program, please click HERE to download the agreement form.
You can find out if your taxes have been paid by clicking on the Search and Pay Property Taxes tab on this website and searching for your property.
If your payment is post-marked after the due date, State Law mandates a penalty be assessed. The penalties are as follows:
YES, you can apply to have your penalty waived. Simply click HERE for the Application for the Remission Form. Complete the form, print it out, and mail it to the Treasurer’s Office.
Yes. To get a receipt when making your tax payment by mail, enclose your entire bill and a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment.
To change the mailing address of your tax bill you must send us the request. Click HERE to fill out the online form.
When a property has been recently transferred it takes one year to clear the previous owner’s name out of the system. This does not mean that you are not responsible for the payment of your real estate tax bill.
If you did not receive a tax bill, please mail a request to the Allen County Treasurers Office or call our office at 419-223-8515 to request a copy of your tax bill.
If you receive a tax bill in error, contact your mortgage company immediately to determine if they have collected the funds and intend to pay the bill.
Your Market Value is multiplied by 35% to arrive at your Assessed Value. Your Assessed Value is then multiplied by the Effective Tax Rate for your political subdivision to arrive at your Gross Tax.
Tax levies are imposed in the year voted on by the citizenry. For example, during the regular May primary or November general elections, the levies passed by the voters are for that current tax year. However, the tax bills are actually payable in the following year. For example, the voters approve a five year levy in November of 2011 – the tax bills for 2011 will be payable in 2012.
Yes. The Homestead Credit is available to anyone 65 years of age and older or anyone who is permanently and totally disabled. You can get this application by clicking HERE. Simply complete the form, print it out, and mail it to the County Auditor prior to the deadline. Postmarks are acceptable.
301 N Main St Ste 203
Lima OH 45801
(419) 223-8515 Phone
(419) 222-7852 Fax
PO Box 123
Lima OH 45802-0123